Friday, 8 January 2016

Mini Brief: Camera Shot Revision

We have been told to use three camera techniques for our mini brief: shot reverse shot, match on action and the 180° rule.  So what are these three techniques?
Shot Reverse Shot
Shot reverse shot is an editing technique used to show a conversation between two characters. An over-the-shoulder-shot or a POV (point of view) shot is used to show what one character is looking at, and then the shot is repeated from the opposite angle in order to show both sides of the conversation.
Match On Action
This is an editing technique used for continuity where one shot cuts to another shot portraying the same, continuous action. In short, the same action is filmed twice from different angles so when the sequence is edited continuity will be kept.
The 180° Rule
This is a filming technique that states all characters in a scene should stay in the same places when having a conversation. This includes the placement of the camera as that is how the viewers follow the conversation. Two characters are talking to each other and a straight line is drawn through the characters. From this line an imaginary 180° angle is drawn on one side of the characters. Shots can be taken from any angle on this 180° line' but not from the other side of the straight line. This ensures that the audience get a clear sense of where the characters are placed in the scene.

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